How to fail at blogging

I’m sure in the manual for blogging the chapter under failure says something to the affect of ignoring your blog and not posting for two weeks almost guarantees failure

They say the best way to come back to something is start slowly but I’m going to work hard to catch up then settle in to normalcy, whatever that is, again.

First a little update then finish the 10 keys for effective worship leaders.

It seams like I’ve been very busy but not accomplishing much. The last three months have been frantic with preparation. Planning retreats, preparing messages and worship sets, writing a mini book, re working songs and getting them recorded. It’s been fun and I like to be busy. Now the book is in the hands of trusted friends full of wisdom and the songs are nearly ready to be recorded and the waiting has begun. trying to figure out where to go from here.

I’m trying to rest and trust God for the next step but it’s a struggle. I like to be busy. I have the most amazing wife and great friends who encourage me to “enjoy” this time because things will get busy soon enough. I know they’re right it’s just hard for me to wait.

In a couple of weeks the Enter conference will be underway and I’ll be very busy. You should come and check it out. It’s a great conference I promise you will be fed and encouraged.

Thanks for reading and being a part of this journey.

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Posted by Gary

Gary Trobee is a certified coach and a seasoned leader with over 20 years’ experience mentoring, coaching, and encouraging leaders and their teams.