Retreat in Salina

As we travel back from Salina Kansas I want to capture a few thoughts.

Great leaders attract great leaders.

If you want to have great leaders be a great leader. Your personality type isn’t the issue. We can all learn to be good leaders. Know your weaknesses and fill your team with people who love to do what your not good at.

There is no substitute for preparation.

Especially spiritual preparation. In order to be fully prepared we must take time. There is no other way. Say no to nonessential things and take the time necessary to prepare. Gods people deserve no less.

We must operate from a position of rest.

Both spiritual, resting in the confidence of your calling and Gods ability to fulfill His calling on your life, and physical. Take care of your body. Exercise and sleep.

More to follow. I’m going to sleep while my son drives.

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Posted by Gary

Gary Trobee is a certified coach and a seasoned leader with over 20 years’ experience mentoring, coaching, and encouraging leaders and their teams.


  • At 2012.02.20 10:34, James Deckert said:

    We appreciate the time you spent with us in Salina,

    Hope you had a good trip back.

    • At 2012.02.20 11:54, Gary said:

      Thanks James,

      We had a great time as well, looking forward to being with you all again soon.
