Serve With Gladness

Posted by Gary on May 8, 2006

I just got back from a weekend with John. Three great churches in three different states. 5 services over the weekend.

I am so blessed to be able to see how different churches do church. I can almost always tell what the church is going to be like within 5 minutes of meeting the person that picks us up.

The churches are full of people who live Psalm 100:2. They “serve with gladness”. I believe that it all starts with great leaders. Leaders who model a glad servant heart. Leaders who love what they do and are always full of life, joy, and gladness no matter the circumstance.

Sorry not very deep but something that is becoming more and more obvious every time I travel.

Love you all.

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Posted by Gary

Gary Trobee is a certified coach and a seasoned leader with over 20 years’ experience mentoring, coaching, and encouraging leaders and their teams.