Sunday Set List

Seems like Sunday was a long time ago, and Saturday night even longer.

The Worship Community has a weekly featured called Sunday Set List. This week I decided to participate so here we go.

Saturday night I was at Life in Christ Church in Limon CO for a night of prayer and worship. We had a great time with a small but passionate group.

Here is the set list:

Hosanna (Praise is Rising)

Holy is The Lord

In the Secret

Open the Eyes of My Heart

Hosanna (Hillsong)

For Who You Are

I Will Stand

Hear us From Heaven

God of This City



Right of the top I didn’t turn up the volume on my guitar so It was all acoustic which made it a little hard to hear and made me pound on it a little harder trying to get the sound. I don’t think I’ve ever done that before don’t know what my problem was.

In the secret was an idea I got from a School of Worship student. We changed it up a lot and made it fresh. The people really responded well. I think I’ll try this with some other older songs.

We had a violin and a bass as well as my acoustic. The sound was good otherwise and the people came forward and shared thoughts and scripture I’m looking forward to going back.

If your a worship leader go to  Sunday Set list and participate.

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Posted by Gary

Gary Trobee is a certified coach and a seasoned leader with over 20 years’ experience mentoring, coaching, and encouraging leaders and their teams.

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