
The Cost of Poor Leadership

Last week I nearly lost one of my most valuable team members.

I confess that I am a little insecure, ok maybe more than a little insecure. I need feedback. I need to hear how I’m doing. Even if it’s negative at least I know where I stand. It’s something I need. I’m working through it and trying to gain my worth solely from the Father but I’m not there yet.

Partially because of my own need for it I am an encourager. I think I’m an encourager by nature but the fact that I need it myself compels me to give it to others. I try to give substantive feedback not an empty “your awesome” but encouragement from a place of truthfulness. So when one of my team members said to me “I’m thinking about quitting; I’m just not adding anything of value”, my heart was ripped. This from the person I value most on this particular team.

People need feedback, they need to know if they’re performing up to expectations. They need to know they are valued. Even those who seem to be confident and sure of themselves. And they need it from those who have been entrusted with leading them.

I apologized for not communicating how valuable they are and pointed out specific things they were bringing and how it made the whole better. I think it helped in the short term but I need to be mindful of how big a need this is for nearly everyone and not take people for granted.

The Bible is clear about how we should act as leaders. Acts 20:28 says, Take heed to yourselves and to all the flock , among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.

The cost of poor leadership is very high. If your lacking in resource ask yourself if you are stewarding God’s people as well as you should. It might unlock the storehouse.

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Posted by Gary in Church Growth, Leadership