
To All People and For You

Two years ago almost to the day I had a small post entitled “To You“. Those words come back to me again this year.

The word “people” literally means “a people” which differentiates it from the word meaning “one’s own populace”. Jesus was born for everyone not just the Jewish Nation. He was born to be King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Savior of the whole world. And He was born

“To You”

I think of the scene in Aladdin toward the end when the villain is gaining power and Genie reminds him he still doesn’t have the power of a genie. He realizes this to be true and for his final wish he wishes to be an “All Powerful Genie!”. Instantly as he feels the power well up inside him he is sucked into a bottle. To which Genie states.

“Phenomenal Cosmic Power!! itty bitty living space”.

Jesus is the creator of the Universe yet He chose to leave the splendor and 24/7 365 worship directed at Him to be born in a manger. The manger speaks of the very purpose He came. To be the lamb of God. He was born to die. Simply because of His love for you. There was absolutely nothing in it for Him but relationship with you.

Tomorrow as we begin to wind down from the hectic pace of Christmas and look towards the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day activities remember. Jesus was born for all people. But most importantly He was born to you.

Merry Christmas.

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Posted by Gary in Faith, Intimacy W/God, Worship

Merry Christmas

It’s been a very interesting year for the Colorado Springs Trobee family. Much has changed, all ultimately for good, though change this year has come with many trials. At some point I may do a year in review post but I’ve never really been a fan of looking back.

In the midst of it all the goodness and faithfulness of God has been tangible. Always has been for us but especially this year. God has given me revelation and vision and now I pray for the wisdom and grace to say what He has put on my heart.

Tomorrow I will unplug and decompress for a week and return on January 4th ready to join New Life Church in fasting and prayer. Two prayer meetings a day for the first week of the year.

Tonight on this Christmas Eve 2009 I wish you a very Merry Christmas.

Remember; Jesus came for you. (Luke 2:11)

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Posted by Gary in Personal