
Exciting News!

Well at least for me.

I’ve hesitated to talk to you about this because I’ve been talking about having a book available for going on 3 years now, which is still in the works by the way, so I didn’t want to talk about this until it was a done deal.

About a month ago I began working on an EP with some amazing people at The Grey Room studio in Larkspur Colorado. These guys are very creative, Kingdom minded, and full of vision. I’m so excited for you to hear these songs.

The E.P. will be six or seven songs. We have four tracked so far. Faithful One is pretty true to the original with a full band, I Will Sing has a new chorus and we’ve added a bridge, You Pursue Me is still stripped down and worshipful, and last week the equipment wasn’t working so we decided to write. This Thursday we tracked the song. It talks about the wilderness I’ve been in the last, seems like forever, and the truth of where my faithful, loving Father has been the whole time. So excited about how this is coming together. The other two or three songs are still to be decided.

I spoke to Aaron and Dominick about the project just before Christmas and they agreed to let me work on one song at a time until the money came in. In a matter of about 3 weeks all but a few $100.00 came in incredible unexpected ways. This is going to happen and hopefully in the next 60 – 90 days.

I’ll keep you posted as we get closer. Please pray for us as we  decide what the final few songs should be and prepare to do the final vocal tracking.

Thank you for being a faithful friend.

More pictures here.

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Posted by Gary in Just for fun, Personal