Why Am I Here?

This blog has been publish intermittently sometime very regularly and sometimes not. Sometimes spiritual, sometimes political, sometimes personal, and sometimes all of the above.

The stated purpose of this blog is “A place for me to process my thoughts and get your feedback”.

I am on a journey as I hope you are as well. Many things I would have fought over years ago are now not worthy of a word. My evolution has been slow but steady. I hope I will always stay teachable, humble, and gracious.  Though I know I have, at times, not been any of those things God has always brought me back to a place of humility.

As we enter into 2013 I am again defining what this space should be about, thus my long absence from here.

I have removed almost all political posts not because I don’t have strong opinions but because my opinions don’t really matter. What matters is building the Kingdom. The has been, is, and will always be the hope of the world. Kim and I know we have been called to build the local church. So this space will mostly be devoted to supporting that goal. Not promising I won’t get political or personal but it will mostly be in the context of building the local church. Which is the people of God not the building. I’m not good at working with my hands. I am however good at working with people.

As always I would love your thoughts. What would you like to talk about? What are you in the midst of that I may be able to shed light onto? I appreciate you for being part of this community.


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Posted by Gary

Gary Trobee is a certified coach and a seasoned leader with over 20 years’ experience mentoring, coaching, and encouraging leaders and their teams.


  • At 2013.01.12 08:16, Tony Davis said:

    Good to know others are adjusting their focus to the important things in life. Furthering God’s kingdom is my first priority. I run the audio/video and help lead worship at Castine Church of the Brethren. We have spoken when you here. lammoving forward. Growing in Godly understanding. Writing the songs the Lord gives me. Truly blessed. Thanks for serving our God Gary.

    • At 2013.01.12 17:47, Gary said:

      Would love to hear your songs Tony.

      • At 2013.01.12 16:55, Bryan said:

        In stating your thoughts and revelations, I think you will be painting a picture, orchestrating a symphony which is painted by God, and whose imagination has the capacity to capture His vision fully? I say speak on and let the themes arise themselves! 🙂

        • At 2013.01.12 17:15, Gary said:

          Thanks for the encouragement. I’m expecting a great year.