Congressman proposing bill to end BCS system.
This is a Republican congressman from Texas. As if Congress didn’t have it’s nose in enough of what isn’t their business.
Most of you know I dislike the whole idea of rankings in College football. It’s like liberalism in that there are no standards and the circular logic gets them into trouble every year. There is no question there needs to be a playoff, some way to settle it on the field, however getting Congress involved is a terrible idea.
“This year, we again have two teams with one loss each playing for the ‘championship,’ while two undefeated teams and four additional teams with only one loss will play in bowl games, but none can become ‘champion,”‘ he said.
True statement, horrible system, but we don’t need Congress to “fix it”.
Congressman proposing bill to end BCS system – NCAA Football – Bowls – 2008 –
Can’t say that I know football, but I’m right with you on this one…