You Are Always Communicating

Everything we do as leaders communicates something. Are you communicating what you want to communicate?

Does everyone on your team have a correct understanding of the culture of your team, ministry, or church? I recently had a marketing person look at all of my web presence. After his review he said “your a musician who wants to sell music.”

I had a lot of fun making a 6 song EP. I hope people will listen to it, buy it, and listen to it again. So making that impression is not a bad thing but it’s not what I want first time visitors to come away with.

Everything you do communicates something.

If the same person is leading worship every week with the same 4 or 5 people on the platform your communicating that there is no place for new people on the platform. Your saying “we have our slots filled. Sorry you got here too late. As soon as someone dies or moves away we’d be happy to audition you or we might just go with 3 backing vocalists not 4.”

Also it may be appropriate, for a season, to have video teaching until you can raise up a team of teachers. While the video teaches you are either telling the teachers in your congregation there’s no place for them or, if you do it right, you could be telling them we desperately need you. Don’t assume people will understand. You have to tell them.

Rule #4: if you don’t give your people a “why” they will come up with their own. And they will often be wrong.

Consider what you’re doing and what it communicates.

Are you saying what you want to say?

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Posted by Gary

Gary Trobee is a certified coach and a seasoned leader with over 20 years’ experience mentoring, coaching, and encouraging leaders and their teams.


  • At 2014.02.05 04:53, @musISHan0711 said:

    This is great! I wonder what people come away with when they visit our website. I think ultimately we all want to make money from our music and creative talents, but we want so much more out of the experience. A lot of us believe that if we just had the income that we desired from our music careers, we'd be able to focus on other more charitable things and convey the deeper message.

    • At 2014.02.05 10:12, Gary said:

      Thanks for the comment,

      It's tough. On one hand I want the music to be all about ministry and on the other hand in order to do ministry I have to pay the rent. So I'm trying to figure out the balance of trusting God and doing the things I must in order to keep afloat.

      How are you doing that?